Feel Lighter, Elevate My Mood, Gain Clarity, Gentle, Calming

This practice is a sequence that will help you become more connected to your feminine body. Our breath and meditation practice is designed to help us act consciously rather than reactively. This flow is intended to cultivate presence in your body. MUSIC DIRECTIONS: Spotify: The player and playlist tab for Spotify is located on the right side of this screen. MUST practice on desktop computer (mobile update coming soon). You are required to have a Spotify premium account. If you need to change the volume, open the Spotify playlist in a new tab, adjust the volume, and press PLAY on the playlist from the Spotify tab when I say ONE. Then, return to the tab with this video. APPLE MUSIC: If you do not have Spotify and use Apple Music here is the playlist: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/body-fwrd-flow-20/pl.u-V9D7m8Et1yRj3L